Squid Adobo

Fresh squid cooked adobo style! We love it very much and it really shows – this is the second video of Adobong Pusit

Wash and drain the squids thoroughly

Preserve the ink duct if you buy the squid fresh or you can always use squid/cuttlefish ink sold in packets. Most supermarkets here in Madrid sell "tinta de sepia/calamar"

Cuttlefish ink packet

Cook the squid at high heat in less time until it gets tender and add the vinegar for last. Over cooking makes it rubbery.

Cooking squid adobo

Squid adobo is great as a rice topping or with a glass of beer or white wine. Just be conscious when you smile while you eat (or never mind if everybody is having it)!

Enjoy cooking along and please subscribe to our YouTube channel